Save money recycling your old jumpers
Save time organising your weekly outfits
Do you remember those old days at school when you didn't have to think what you would wear the following day because you already knew?
Recycle an old fabric into a short jacket
Have you ever bought a piece of fabric with the idea of making a great something?
I took the instrucions from a Burda Magazine but I think that any other publication may include jackets like this.
Conclusion: you can be pretty ( or at least, try...) and save money on clothes using old fabrics.
Recycicle an old skirt into a door protector
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That stain inside the circle is the "iron mark" |
- Measure the the length of your door and add 2 cm (if it's longer than the door, it'll cover its sides completely). Decide how high you want it (personally, I don't like a huge stuff at my door but I've seen quite big ones and they look beautiful, it all depends on your creativity and the size of your door...of course): measure, draw the rectangle or mark it with a chalk or pins, and cut the fabric.
- Sew the rectangle, except one side.
- Fill it with pillow filler or any other kind of filler and sew the side we left open before.
Recycling an old sweater into boot socks
Ver "DIY Tutorial: Boot Socks" en YouTube
I watched it a couple of days ago and I thought it was a really good idea. I've always wanted to have some different beautiful pairs of socks for my boots, but being on my total money makeover I can't afford them...and I don't have time to knit them (which doesn't mean I won't do it in the near future; actually, I'm going to do it when I finish my door protectors...)
Anyway, why should I spend money on something I can do at home with a pair of scissors?
I hope you like it too!
Recycling old clothes
What to do with an old sweater and an old fashioned dress?
And this is the final result. With the right accessories and a beautiful coat I'll feel as if I use it for the first time.
Why homemade jam?
Secondly, because you save more money (again?) as you use that fruit nobody eats and you always buy promising yourself you'll take it this time, you'll make juice for the kids, a delicious pie...
Thirdly, because it's a natural product; you'll be sure of eating at least one thing without industrial additives.
Besides, because you decide if you want to eat tons of sugar or sweetener or nor; I didn't do it and, trust me, they're delicious...and with less calories!
Finally, because it doesn't take too much time, especially if you have a kind machine like thermomix, which cooks it by itself. If you don't have it you only have to stir it from time to time.
Childhood remembrances
When I was little my mum used to cook "picatostes" for Saturday breakfast.
I forgot to do the shopping yesterday and I only have bread... So I've made these and they are delicious. You only have to fry pieces of bread in hot oil.
The best part is that all my kitchen got a special scent from my childhood. Mum, I miss you a lot...especially when I don't know what to cook have solutions for everything. X0 xo
10 minutes on non-essential organization
And these are the steps I'm following:
- Take all linen out of the drawer (done)
- Fold it and classify it (done)
- Put it in a pretty box ( I haven't bought it yet!)
- Find a place in the kitchen for my pretty box. (...)
Linen Closet Done!
Soooo, I took everything out of the closet and started to think and search on the web for better ways of folding sheets and towels. And this has been my living room for a week (sorry for my husband; he didn't even complain. He's a saint!).

This is the final result. I know it isn't perfect but it's better than before: it saves space and looks more organised (because it IS more organised).
Linen closet: my inspiration
This week I' m organising sheets and towels; this is my inspiration, a picture posted by A Bowl Full of Lemons
Esta semana estoy organizando el armario de las sàbanas, toallas y demàs...mi inspiraciòn es esta foto de A Bowl Full of Lemons.
All this sumer I've been trying to tidy up this part of the wardrobe but I didn't know how to; so I've decided to do it anyway hoping that ideas will come out (and they did! although I know I'll have to revise it in a month or two to do it better; at least now I can find what I need).
Todo este verano he estado pensando en organizar esta parte del armario "guardatodo" pero no sabía cómo...; así que he decidido hacerlo igualmente con la esperanza de que se me ilumine la bombilla. Lo sorprendente es que ¡se me ha iluminado! Aunque tendré que darle un repaso dentro de un mes o dos; pero por lo menos ahora sé que encontraré lo que necesito.
Yeap! Thursday is de "iron day". Why? because it's one of the things I hate most and doing it at the beginning of the week seems soooooo hard, but doing it in the weekend is soooooo boring that I prefer doing it on Thursday; it's totally psychological, jejeje...
Just some tips to go faster: Firstly, iron once a week. Secondly, don't iron sheets, towels, underwear, sports t-shirt, tracksuits or jammies. Finally, it's also useful hanging clothes not by the middle but by the lower or top part; otherwise that awful wrinkle(impossible to iron...) appears on t-shirts and sweaters;at least, that's what I do and it helps me save a lot of time.
The sooner we start, the sooner we'll finish
Let's start now!
Sí sí: el jueves es el día de la plancha...¡¿Porqué?! pues porque odio planchar. Primero, que sólo dedico un día a esta tarea, y hacerlo a principio de semana se me hace durísimo; hacerlo el fin de semana ni te cuento... así que el jueves parece como un día entre medias, cerca del finde sin ser finde...en fin, que no tengo más motivo que el psicológico, jejeje...
Para ir un poco más rápido con la plancha: no se planchan la sábanas, toallas, ropa interior, camisetas que utilizamos para hacer deporte, chándales y pijamas. También ayuda colgar la ropa lo más estirada posible y evitar el centro de la prenda; es decir, colgarlas o por la parte de arriba o la de abajo ( si no, sale esa arruga imposible de quitar por más que apriete la plancha...).
En fin, que cuanto antes nos pongamos, antes terminaremos.
¡Al lío!
Wednesday: Establish Daily Routines
This week I'm working on my afternoon daily routines, especially from Monday to Friday; that's to say, I'm trying to set what I'll do when I come back home.
- Relax and have a snack.
- Daily 15-20 minutes cleaning (today I have to clean the kitchen baseboards and wipe down bathrooms; my husband will vacuum the floors)
- Put all summer shoes back in their boxes
- Sewing project
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It would be soooo nice to do nothing at all! |
Miércoles: Establecer las Rutinas Diarias
Esta semana me estoy centrando en establecer las rutinas diarias, especialmente los días de trabajo; es decir, crear unos hábitos a seguir al llegar a casa.
- Descansar y merendar.
- Limpiar 15-20 minutos (mañana me toca repasar las encimeras de la cocina y los baños; mi chico pasa la aspiradora...esta vez sí que lo sabe, jeje..)
- Poner los zapatos de verano en las cajas
- Labores!
Tuesday: Organising Clothes
After my 15 minutes cleaning, it's free time to organise winter clothes...but not all today!
Después de los 15 minutos de limpiza de mantenimiento diario, tengo un poco de tiempo libre para colocar la ropa de invierno ...pero hoy toda no!
Monday Second Week: Time to enjoy October!
After the hard work of the first week of month (deep cleaning and cooking), I'll start to enjoy my afternoons knowing that the basic things have been done.
- fast vacuum floors (ok...I won't do husband'll do it...although he doesn't know it yet...)
- fast dusting
- spot mirrors and windows
- wipe down bathrooms (I'll do this before going to bed; I use bathroom wipes and it takes three minutes!)
Lunes, Segunda Semana: Hora de disfrutar del Mes!
Después de la dura primera semana que he pasado (limpiar a fondo y cocinar para todo el mes) ahora es cuando empiezo a disfrutar de las tardes sabiendo que lo importante está hecho, y cuando pienso que todo el esfuerzo a merecido la pena.
- Pasar la aspiradora a toda pastilla (bueno, esto lo hará mi chico...aunque él todavía no lo sabe jiji...ya se lo imaginará, digo yo).
- Limpiar el polvo rápido.
- Quitar las manchas de los espejos y los cristales.
- Baños (esto lo hago antes de irme a dormir con unas toallitas para el baño y se tarda tres minutines)
Changing clothes...
Or not...?
Cambio de ropa...o no?
Yes to Organise your daily working outfits once a week!
Save Money Planning your Meals in Advance
Pasta with carbonara sauce+ pork
Stewed lentils + meatballs
green beans and potatoes + grilled chicken breast
Cocido + roast
Complete “cuban”
Riojan Stewed Potatoes
+ Salmón
Spinach with cream + French omlette
Baked Coliflower with potatoes + grilled trout
Potatoe puree+ “caldereta de pescado”
Beans with parma ham + prawns
Roast potatos with tinned mackerel
Pasta with tomato sauce +
sausages with wine sauce
Stewed lentils + hamburguer
Zucchini with
tomato sauce + grilled chicken breast
Stewed pinto beans+ roast chicken
Complete “cuban”
Sea potatoes + fried
Espinach “Sacromonte” Fried egg
Broccoli + mussles with sauce
Boiled carrots + grilled trout
Cabbage puree +tuna with tomato sauce
Maicena + French omlette
As you can see, I only plan two weeks and I repeat it the following fortnight; we also eat a lot of vegetables, legumes, potatoes, fish and meat.
A ver qué tal se da...