I believe in the power of habits; they make my life easier and simple; besides, they release my mind of unnecessary worries to focus on other important things (like my kids, blogging,preparing classes for the next day...). I know that nights aren't the best moment for house chores as I'm really tired, and the last thing I think of is cleaning; however, a little every day helps me to keep things quite in order, which is what I want; to be true, I let perfection go a long time ago...
However, for those who tend to perfectionism, there are two ideas we need to repeat to ourselves: the first one is "there's no time for everything", so don't try to do everything everyday (you'll survive in spite of that little stain in the window ...) It seems so obvious! The second one is "speed up", at night it's easy to slow down and spend too much time doing things you could have done in a minute.
In my to-do list, I always write what I call "morning chores" (I've already talked to you about it: 3 habits that will make your day ) and "evening chores"., they take me half an hour, but I have to say that I've got so used to perform them that they come out naturally.
So here is my list of evening chores:
Clean the kitchen: that's to say, do the dishes, wipe down counters and wash floors.(as I don't have a dishwasher, this takes me 15-20 minutes more or less, depending on the day). I also take the following day's meals from the freezer so they defrost during the night.
Prepare kids' breakfast: (5 minutes) Yes, I could do this in the morning, but my little one usually wakes up early and he's so hungy that it's better for us and the neighbours if his bottle is ready (he starts crying as if hadn't eaten in a month...).
Prepare kids' clothes: This is particularly easy as I organise clothes when I do the laundry; I only have to take the hanger from the wardrobe (1 minute, including my clothes)
Clean the bathrooms: wipe down the basin, toilet and bath and wash floors. (three minutes, I promise!)
Tidy up: no toys or clutter around ( 3-5 minutes, as we usually put toys back before dinner with the kids' help, of course)
Before finishing I must admit that there are times I'm so tired that I don't feel like doing anything at all but sitting on the coach or going to bed. That's when I repeat to myself "everything will be clean and in place when I wake up." Most of the times it works, but when it doesn't, I prioritize and do what seems to be important at the moment; sometimes it's the bathroom, sometimes it's the kitchen.
What are your night routines? What are those those chores you never leave for the next day?
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